Project Zomboid Wiki

This article appeared in Project Zomboid  


0.1 (? equipped)


Stop bleedingIcon Bleeding

Prevent or cure infected wounds



  • First Aid Kit
  • Pharmacy, hospital, bathroom
  • Trash bins (Dirty bandage)
  • Zombie corpses (Dirty bandage) (rarely)

Right click on your health panel to use.

—Bandage in-game tooltip

Used to sterilize wounds and aid recovery from infection.

—Sterilized Bandage in-game tooltip

Bandages are used to stop the "Bleeding" that appears when you're injured, burnt, or bitten by a zombie.


If the bleeding is untreated, your character will eventually bleed to death.

The Bandage needs to be applied to the wound. After some time, the bandage will become a dirty bandage which reduces bandage power bonus (4 -> 0.5) and the wound may get infected. It is recommended to be removed and replaced by a clean bandage.

Only removing dirty bandage will grant the player some First Aid experience.



  • Cleaning bandages - Dirty bandages can be cleaned with potable water.
  • Disinfecting bandages - A bandage can be disinfected by soaking it in Bourbon or Disinfectant. Also, adding a bandage into boiling a pot of water / pan of water will sterialize it.


  • Neck wounds are especially dangerous. They ignore the usual damage cap, and rapidly drain health if unbandaged. An unfortunate survivor can find themselves dying within minutes of a scratch on the neck, unless immediately bandaged. Replacing dirty bandage drains health bar drastically, make sure to apply bandage with the full life bar.
  • Bandaging the deep wounds cannot stop the bleeding, it becomes dirty within minutes. You need to suture the deep wound first.
  • Self improvised bandage can be crafted by ripping the Clothes or Sheets (right click - "tear into bandages" option). But it has less bandage power (2). Use it if you run out of regular bandage or in the face of despair.
  • Sterilized bandages cannot be found in the world.

External links[]


Medicine Edit template